V čast nam je da vam lahko povemo, da z letošnjim letom vstopamo v novo partnerstvo v projektu Erasmus+ KA2, z naslovom „Good, Better, The Best Car Mechanic“. Projekt pa je prav poseben, saj gre že za tretji zaporedni projekt KA2, ki ga izvajamo s partnersko šolo iz Litve, Vilniaus automechanikos ir verslo mokykla. To pomeni, da bomo po zaključenem projektu imeli z omenjeno šolo 6 let zaporednega sodelovanja. Trenutni projekt je vezan na delo avtomehanikov: želimo narediti platformo, preko katere bodo bodoči mladi mehaniki preverili svoje znanje s področja avtomehanike. Področja preverjanja bodo deljena tako, da bodo vključeni vsi sklopi zgradbe avtomobila. Na naši šoli se bodo projekta lotili Marko, Sebastjan in Jernej, sodelovali pa bodo z učitelji iz Litve, Francije, Estonije in Češke. Skupaj bodo ustvarili platformo, ki bo dosegljiva vsem, da boste lahko preverili svoje znanje.
We are honored to be able to tell you that this year we are entering a new partnership in the Erasmus+ KA2 project, entitled “Good, Better, The Best Car Mechanic”. The project is very special because it is already the third consecutive KA2 project that we are implementing with a partner school from Lithuania, Vilniaus automechanikos ir verslo mokykla. This means that the end of the project will mark 6 consecutive years of our cooperation with the Lithuanian school. The current project is related to the work of auto mechanics: we want to create a platform through which future young mechanics will test their knowledge in the field of auto mechanics. The inspection areas will be divided to include all car body parts. At our school, Marko, Sebastjan and Jernej will start the project and they will work with teachers from Lithuania, France, Estonia and the Czech Republic. Together, they will create a platform accessible to everyone so that you can test your knowledge.